Monday, February 1, 2010

Books that make you go hmmm...

Hello everyone!  I hope that you will help me to make this blog a true community by participating and commenting!
Last week a group of moms got together to discuss some relevant topics, enjoy some time out, and I can't forget... some much-needed caffeine!

During our meeting time I noticed that a few of the moms mentioned books they were reading (that related to parenting) that they have really enjoyed. I thought this would be perfect information to share with each other. If you are visual (like me) it helps to have a list of books that you can refer to rather than try to remember titles. Besides, we all have enough to remember!

So, post your favorite titles here...and add a description if you would like!


  1. Thanks for starting this list!
    I just read "Feeding Baby Green" by Alan Greene.

    This book talks about how to introduce a wide variety of things into your baby's diet. I liked his more holistic approach. It's more of a reference than a cover to cover read but still interesting.

  2. Now that my daughter is officially a toddler, I have been trying to learn about this new stage in her development. I have been reading a book titled Toddler 411. It is by authors Ari Brown, M.D. and Denise Field.

    This book is great as a quick read when you have a few minutes, and it is very well organized to be able to look up specific pieces of information you need. It covers a little bit of everything, and the authors clearly explain whether the information being presented is research or opinion based. There is also a Baby 411 book that is written by the same authors and is good as well.

  3. The book I am currently reading is called The Read Aloud Handbook, the author is Jim Trelease.
    This book supports reading aloud with children both at home and at school. While a journalist, Trelease writes from the perspective of a parent which makes it an easy read.
    I also found his webpage, which has been interesting to check out:

  4. I am also reading 'Einstein never used flash cards'(which is the book Rebecca recommended). It is REALLY interesting! The book encourages parents to let their children PLAY more, not be rushed into 'academics' too early.
