Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What to do when you are at home with a Toddler???

I found a couple of great blogs  I would like to share.
The first is called Toddler at PlayHere you will find some great ideas for fun learning experiences you can engage in with your toddler. All with minimal materials and minimal cost.

I also found a great website, Teaching Treasures where you can purchase hand-made literacy bags. Literacy bags usually contain a book, stuffed animal (or character), and activities that go along with the story. You can make them yourself, but at this site they have done the work for you! These bags are a great way to engage in stories with your little ones, and spend some quality time with books. 

I know I have felt a little disengaged lately...due in part to the fact that I am finishing up my Masters Degree, and writing my Thesis. I needed a little inspiration!
